As Tet approaches and spring arrives, the hearts of each of us seem to be immersed in a sea of diverse emotions. The arrival of spring is not merely a renewal of nature but also brings forth a new lease of life, joy, and dreams flourishing within our souls.

From these emotions, Wisdomland International Preschool organized the “Tet Fair: Hello Tet” with the desire to create a playground for valuable experiences. Children, along with their grandparents and parents, had the opportunity to explore traditional Tet stalls, participate in folk games on Tet day, and delve deeper into the cultural spirit of Vietnamese Tet.

In the festive and lively atmosphere of the fair, families explored the year-end Tet market at Wisdomland, featuring a variety of Tet stalls, from rustic village cuisine to handmade drinks crafted by the dedicated hands of teachers. Stalls creating animals from coconut leaves, painting calligraphy, and more, all contributed to the creation of a wonderful Tet atmosphere.

Additionally, alternating performances by children and teachers in cultural programs brought joy and excitement to parents and students, offering a range of emotions and interesting experiences. The school successfully brought the Lunar New Year atmosphere closer to all parents and children. Wisdomland was delighted to witness the joyful faces and eyes brimming with happiness as children experienced the Tet atmosphere at their school.

The rich emotions of the “Tet Fair” in the Year of the Wood Dragon 2024 at Wisdomland concluded with the eager anticipation and bittersweet feelings of many children. Undoubtedly, in the hearts of each child, there is a silent longing and excitement, eagerly awaiting the fair of the following year. The students’ anticipation serves as a meaningful reward for the entire teaching and administrative staff of the school, as their heartfelt efforts, in collaboration with parents, have left a profound impression on the children.

Wisdomland hopes that this year’s Tet Fair has created deep and joyful memories for both children and families, setting the stage for the exciting arrival of the Year of the Wood Dragon in 2024.

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