It seems like the children at Binh Thanh Campus had a delightful and creatively charged time during the Craft class!
Throughout the session, the children consistently received strong encouragement from their teachers to freely express their abilities, seeking joy in the creative process. Through cutting, pasting, and arranging, the children not only learned fundamental skills but also developed their imaginations and logical thinking. Furthermore, from these small artworks, they learned the importance of teamwork and collaboration.

The classroom ambiance was filled with joy, laughter, and positive energy. Parents could see the sparkle in their eyes as they proudly completed their creations, each detail crafted by their own hands. It’s truly a beautiful and meaningful sight because Wisdomland recognizes and nurtures the children’s love for exploration and learning.

Children, thank you for your efforts and creativity during today’s class. Let’s continue exploring and experiencing the wonders at Wisdomland!

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