Bilingual English Program



The Bilingual English Program is strongly researched, implemented, and developed by the Wisdomland academic team, focusing on teamwork ability, and training skills to apply knowledge to practice for children. From there, children will be able to acquire English knowledge suitable for their age and ability.

Languages are best learned in an interactive environment and through experiential activities. At Wisdomland, every day children will learn and use English naturally from simple communication situations with teachers and friends.

More than acquiring English skills, Wisdomland empowers children to unlock a world of knowledge through language. Our language immersion method fosters natural communication, allowing children to confidently express themselves and their ideas in English. This immersive approach helps them develop fluency that approaches that of native speakers.


Furthermore, daily Cambridge English lessons co-taught by foreign and Vietnamese teachers solidify vocabulary acquisition and pronunciation (phonics). This collaborative approach ensures a well-rounded English learning experience.

The strength of Wisdomland is that both Foreign Teachers and Vietnamese Teachers teach the same project content, children can approach the same problem but in two languages. As a result, children can recognize the similarities and how to use 2 languages for the same problem and now use that language.